Collaborative Achievement

At the end of last month, we brought you the news of Dallas Architecture Forum wining the AIA Collaborative Achievement Award. They continue the tradition of AAO members being recognized for commitment to their communities, as the Alaska Design Forum was honored during the 2010 awards. AAO is proud to support the work of our members to bring architecture to the forefront of public discourse.

Here are a few words of praise about Dallas Architecture Forum's Collaborative Achievement:

“The Dallas Architecture Forum is one of the most interesting and productive non-profit organizations in the field of architecture today……bringing together different people and disciplines that are passionate and curious about architecture.”  Frederic Schwartz, FAIA , award winning architect

“The Forum has become a cultural reference for the City of Dallas, serving as an excellent bridge between architecture and its constituency, demonstrating the marvelous rewards that collaboration achieves at so many levels.”  
Carlos Jimenez, Rice University Professor and Pritzker Prize juror

“Dallas in recent years has moved onto the front stage in this country as a site for innovative and distinguished urban architecture.  I have no doubt that the existence of the Forum has done a lot to create the climate in which this development has been able to flourish”.  Robert Campbell, FAIA, Architecture Critic and author



Posted by aao on February 13, 2011 - 9:44pm