
This section contains premium content for AAO Members to share organizational Resources, from suggested readings to sample agreements. Summaries are accessible to the public, but Member log-in is required to view or download specific Resources.

Displaying 111 - 120 of 227

AAO Webinar: Marketing and Evaluating Your Next Big Design Event

AAO Networks Webinar addressing "Marketing and Evaluating Your Next Big Design Event.” This 30-minute webinar from August 2014 by Chicago Architecture Foundation’s Patrick Miner (Research and Media Planner explores the trajectory of Open House Chicago over its first three years (2011-2013) as a case study to impart reliable strategies for producing low-cost but effective marketing campaigns, as well as tips for focusing evaluation on the types of critical audience impacts that can help not-for-profit architectural and design organizations secure program underwriting.

Chicago Architecture Foundation
Posted by aao on September 10, 2014 - 8:18pm

AAO Webinar: The Pros and Cons of Thematic Programming

AAO Networks Webinar addressing "The Pros and Cons of Thematic Programming." This 30-minute webinar from June 2014 by Van Alen Institute's David van der Leer (Executive Director) and Sarah Farwell (Program Manager) explores the topic by using VAI's "ELSEWHERE: Escape and the Urban Environment" initiative as the relevant case study. Over the course of a ten day period in May 2014, VAI assembled a festival-like cluster of public programs - a strategy to draw increased audiences, funding, media coverage, and reap more planning efficiencies for its staff.

Van Alen Institute
Public Programs
Posted by Michael.Wood on July 13, 2014 - 9:57pm

Chicago: City of Big Data Graphic 1

Explorer Interactive graphic.

Chicago Architecture Foundation
Posted by aao on April 8, 2014 - 10:42am

Prospect Identification Scorecard

For those individuals and organizations new to fundraising or charged with building a solicitation plan for an inaugural board of directors, this sample resource is a simple tool to help you work smarter. The worksheet outlines a set of characteristics that, when combined, provides a solid assessment of a given individual’s likelihood to respond favorably to a request for financial support.

Association of Architecture Organizations
Posted by aao on March 13, 2014 - 11:15am

Case Statements

The case statement serves as an important tool in preparing for a giving campaign. The resulting document should provide compelling justification to support your organization’s efforts with key donors and trusted board advisers asked to review and develop the case statement together with lead staff. This resource shares six ways to strengthen most any case statement.

Association of Architecture Organizations
Posted by aao on March 13, 2014 - 11:11am

2013 Architecture + The City Festival Programs List - AIA San Francisco/Center for Architecture + Design

Every September in San Francisco becomes “architecture month,” as AIA San Francisco puts forward a multi-disciplinary, partner-rich design festival that draws 25,000 participants to programs ranging all over the city. This worksheet offers insights about the types of events, partner organizations, staffing needs, pricing, and audience capacity that can be achieved by a well-organized architecture center staff and committed board of directors.

AIA San Francisco/Center for Architecture + Design
Posted by Margie.ODriscoll on March 13, 2014 - 2:37am

Audience Analysis: Chicago Architecture Foundation

Serving the “public” is a large and oversimplified statement. This sample resource examines in close detail the largest audience segments comprising the Chicago Architecture Foundation's (CAF) total audience. The first page, courtesy of research by Slover-Linnett, outlines the major audience segments as applied to the programs of most any cultural institution; the breakdown is not exclusive to architecture organizations or to CAF. The second page then plots these audience segments against the patrons that enjoyed CAF programs in 2012.

Chicago Architecture Foundation
Posted by Lynn.Osmond on March 13, 2014 - 1:46am

Mission Statements of Architecture Organizations

When seeking to establish a new architecture center, a simple but informative early planning exercise is to round up the mission statements of all the organizations in your community that conduct programs examining the built environment. Seeing the range of examples often helps you begin to identify potentially overserved and underserved audiences, a starting place for determining where your organization might focus its programming efforts. This sample resource identifies how the Chicago Architecture Foundation stacks up against its local peers.

Chicago Architecture Foundation
Posted by Lynn.Osmond on March 13, 2014 - 1:18am


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